There is so many quality tools created since 'Quality' word was introduced by various field of quality founder. Day by day, the number of that tools will sure increase. By the way, as a manufacturing practicioner, we will not use all the tools. We may use some of the tools and will use it whenever we think that the tools can be implement.
Let we analyze one of the quality simple tools. Isikawa Diagram / Cause & Effect Diagram / Fish Bone Diagram. Basiclly, this quality tools is created to identify what is the potensional cause that may contribute to the effect of the product or services.
Its look simple but its really very usefull to manufacturing if we implemented it very well to all staff in all level.
Start on Sept 15, 2008, this blog will analyze basic 7 QC tools plus other tools that very usefull to manufacturing. We call it as "One day One Tools Programme".
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