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Manufacturing Improvement : Controll Your Customer Specification via Controll Chart

Control Chart

Also called: statistical process control. Graphs used to study how a process changes over time.


Different types of control charts can be used, depending upon the type of data. The two broadest groupings are for variable data and attribute data.

Variable data are measured on a continuous scale. For example: time, weight, distance or temperature can be measured in fractions or decimals. The possibility of measuring to greater precision defines variable data.

Attribute data are counted and cannot have fractions or decimals. Attribute data arise when you are determining only the presence or absence of something: success or failure, accept or reject, correct or not correct. For example, a report can have four errors or five errors, but it cannot have four and a half errors.

Variables charts

–X and R chart (also called averages and range chart)
–X and s chart
- chart of individuals (also called X chart, X-R chart, IX-MR chart, Xm R chart, moving range chart)
moving average

– moving range chart (also called MA–MR chart)
- target charts (also called difference charts, deviation charts and nominal charts)
- CUSUM (also called cumulative sum chart)
- EWMA (also called exponentially weighted moving average chart)
- multivariate chart (also called Hotelling T2)

Attributes charts

- p chart (also called proportion chart)
- np chart
- c chart (also called count chart)
- u chart
- Charts for either kind of data
- short run charts (also called stabilized charts or Z charts)
- group charts (also called multiple characteristic charts)


The control chart is a graph used to study how a process changes over time. Data are plotted in time order. A control chart always has a central line for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit and a lower line for the lower control limit. These lines are determined from historical data. By comparing current data to these lines, you can draw conclusions about whether the process variation is consistent (in control) or is unpredictable (out of control, affected by special causes of variation).

Control charts for variable data are used in pairs. The top chart monitors the average, or the centering of the distribution of data from the process. The bottom chart monitors the range, or the width of the distribution. If your data were shots in target practice, the average is where the shots are clustering, and the range is how tightly they are clustered. Control charts for attribute data are used singly.

When to Use

- When controlling ongoing processes by finding and correcting problems as they occur.
- When predicting the expected range of outcomes from a process.
- When determining whether a process is stable (in statistical control).
- When analyzing patterns of process variation from special causes (non-routine events) or common causes (built into the process).
- When determining whether your quality improvement project should aim to prevent specific problems or to make fundamental changes to the process.

Basic Procedure

1. Choose the appropriate control chart for your data.
2. Determine the appropriate time period for collecting and plotting data.
3. Collect data, construct your chart and analyze the data.
4. Look for “out-of-control signals” on the control chart. When one is identified, mark it on the chart and investigate the cause. Document how you investigated, what you learned, the cause and how it was corrected.

Out-of-control signals

- A single point outside the control limits. In Figure 1, point sixteen is above the UCL (upper control limit).
- Two out of three successive points are on the same side of the centerline and farther than 2 σ from it. In Figure 1, point 4 sends that signal.
- Four out of five successive points are on the same side of the centerline and farther than 1 σ from it. In Figure 1, point 11 sends that signal.
- A run of eight in a row are on the same side of the centerline. Or 10 out of 11, 12 out of 14 or 16 out of 20. In Figure 1, point 21 is eighth in a row above the centerline.
- Obvious consistent or persistent patterns that suggest something unusual about your data and your process.

Figure 1 Out-of-control signals

- Continue to plot data as they are generated. As each new data point is plotted, check for new out-of-control signals.
- When you start a new control chart, the process may be out of control. If so, the control limits calculated from the first 20 points are conditional limits. When you have at least 20 sequential points from a period when the process is operating in control, recalculate control limits.

Manufacturing Improvement : The Improtant Of Quality Manufacturing Thinking

There is so many quality tools created since 'Quality' word was introduced by various field of quality founder. Day by day, the number of that tools will sure increase. By the way, as a manufacturing practicioner, we will not use all the tools. We may use some of the tools and will use it whenever we think that the tools can be implement.

Let we analyze one of the quality simple tools. Isikawa Diagram / Cause & Effect Diagram / Fish Bone Diagram. Basiclly, this quality tools is created to identify what is the potensional cause that may contribute to the effect of the product or services.

Its look simple but its really very usefull to manufacturing if we implemented it very well to all staff in all level.

Start on Sept 15, 2008, this blog will analyze basic 7 QC tools plus other tools that very usefull to manufacturing. We call it as "One day One Tools Programme".

Manufacturing Improvement : Improve Your Company Via SixSigma


Define is the first phase in the DMAIC model. During the Define phase, the project’s definition is developed. The project’s definition includes the overall scope, objectives, and goals of the project. It also determines the project leader, team members, sponsor, stakeholders, and schedule.

During the Define phase, the process is also defined. This is accomplished utilizing various tools such as flow charts, process mapping, and SIPOC (Suppliers-Inputs-Process-Outputs-Customers).
Teams are formed during the Define phase. Selecting team members is a critical part of the phase. It is important to determine stakeholders and select at least a portion of the team from this group.

The team leader is a critical roll in any six sigma project. It is the leader’s job to keep the team focused on the stated objective, scope, and goal. The team leader also sets the ground rules and ensures conflicts are minimized and resolved.

Many team members may need “Change Agent” training. Because most people fear change, it is critical for team members to have the ability to “influence change” in a positive manner.
The most commonly used tools in the Define phase include:

> Project Charter
> Flow Charts
> Process Mapping
> Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
> PERT Charts> Affinity Diagram
> Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
> Prioritization Matrix
> Gannt Charts
> Voice of the Customer (VOC)
> CT Trees (Critical to Quality, Critical to Schedule, etc)
> Pareto Charts
> Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)
> Kano Model
Once the project has been Defined, the second phase of the DMAIC model is Measure .The Measure phase digs below the surface to develop a detailed understanding of the process. Process baselines and sources of opportunities and problems are identified.

To gain a deep understanding of the process, more detailed process level maps are developed. The process level map provides intricate detail of the activities and tasks. Input is gathered from operating employees regarding factors which are critical to quality (CTQ), critical to schedule (CTS), critical to cost (CTC) etc.

During the Measure phase, the factors causing problems are identified. We also determine the conditions and circumstances surrounding the occurrence of the problems, roadblocks, or bottlenecks.

There Measure phase is one of the most time consuming phases of the DMAIC model. It is important to do a thorough job in the Measure phase, as the subsequent phases depend on it.
Data collection is a critical part of the measurement phase. In order to determine the data to collect, the team must decide on the questions they are trying to answer. For example, “how long is the existing wait time?”, “what is the existing process speed at various temperatures?”
There are many tools used in the Measure phase. Some of the most common are:
> Probability and Statistics
> Data Collection
> Measurement Systems
> Process Level Flowcharts
> Process Level Mapping
> Histogram
> Stem and Leaf Plots
> Pareto Charts
> Cause and Effects Diagram and Matrix
> FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)
> Control Charts
> Process Capability
> Gage R & R Studies
> Frequency Plots
> Confidence Intervals
> Process Sigma

Once the process is measured and baselines developed, the Analyze phase begins. It is during the Analyze phase where the real problems and opportunities are identified. The previously believed theories and ideas are either confirmed or disproved.

During the measure phase, the conditions and circumstances surrounding problems are determined. The Analyze phase attempts to determine why they are occurring and what can be done to improve it.

The Analyze phase uses more detailed tools for process analysis, such as “root cause problem solving” (RCPS) tools. One example is the cause and effect diagram, often called the Ishikawa diagram.Once the root causes to problems and opportunities are identified, new solution ideas are developed that will be utilized in the Improve phase.

Six sigma has many tools for fully analyze the process to know what is happening, how and why it happens, and what might be done to improve the process.

Some of the most commonly used six sigma tools in the Analyze phase are:

> Brainstorming
> 5 Why’s
> Value Stream Mapping
> Control Charts (XBar & R, np, C, U, p)
> Scatter Plots> Regression Analysis
> Design of Experiments (DOE)
> Hypothesis Testing


Improve is the fourth phase of the DMAIC model. After the process has been fully analyzed, it is time to improve it.The root causes and factors determined during the Analyze phas are now utilized to improve the process.During the Improve Phase, the solutions to problems and opportunities are developed, implemented, and evaluated.

There are many six sigma tools used in the Improve phase. Some of the most common are:

> Design of Experiments (DOE)
> Hypothesis Testing> Brainstorming
> Cause and Effect Diagram
> Box Whisker Charts
> Process Mapping
> Lean Manufacturing Tools:- Standardized Operations
- SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
- Value Stream Analysis
- Work Simplification
- Methods Improvement
- Error Proofing
- 5S

Solutions are implemented during the Improve phase. The Control phase is utilized to sustain the improvements obtained. Throughout the Control phase, it is common to obtain additional improvements as the new methods are embedded into the operating system.

Control charts are widely used in the Control phase of the DMAIC model. They are used to monitor the improved process and determine when “special causes” are presented.

Common tools utilized in the DMAIC model for Control:

> Control Charts : X Bar & R - I-MR- p- np- c- U- EWMA> Standard Work
> Visual Management
> Performance Management
> Process Mapping

Introduction To This Blog

Hi All, i have intention to make this blog usefull to manufacturing sector. I would like to share my previous working experience in this sector to all of you, so at least all of you can get something usefull to apply in either in your study, working or in your daily life.

thanks, shafie